How to Harness the Menstrual Phase of Your Cycle


Did you know that the menstrual phase is the fourth phase of your feminine cycle? This is the time when your ovary sheds and bleed occurs.

That said, today I’m sharing how to cycle sync and harness the menstrual phase, the fourth phase of your cycle which takes place after the luteal phase.

Phase 3: Menstrual phase

Season: Winter

Duration: 3-7 Days

Body Focus: Spotting and your bleed characterizes this phase. Symptoms you may experience include fatigue, cravings, low backache and cramping. You may also feel a sense of relaxation and relief as your estrogen peak passes.

Lifestyle Focus: During this time, the communication between left and right hemispheres of your brain are more powerful than ever. It’s a time of self-reflection and analysis to identify what is serving you and how to take corrective action to move you in the direction that you wish to be heading. It’s the time to slow down and tune into what your gut is telling you. You may experience feelings of restlessness or dissastifaction in certain areas of your life. Be gentle with yourself and give yourself permission to observe, feel all the feelings, and identity which areas of your life need to be nourished and how you can take action with solutions during the other phases of your cycle.

Food Focus: Focus on foods that are hydrating and low glycemic index. Your body is going through an intense process as it eliminates the lining of your uterus, so your body needs nutrient dense foods. Seafood and sea-based veggies are packed with sink and iron to help remineralize your body. Also, foods that restore the blood and kidneys are also supportive during this phase while you are bleeding. This is a great time for comfort foods like soups and stews.

Exercise Focus: During the first few days of your bleed you may feel the urge to rest and recover which is natural and an integral part of any exercise program or training to help the body repair. The best thing you can do is listen to your body. Schedule rest or gentle movement during the first few days when your bleed is heavier. Then if you’re feeling more energy, focus on light, low impact movement that feels good for your body — a walk, cross-training, or yoga. Towards the end of this phase, if you’re body is ready for more, adjust by amping up your activity.

Now that you are more aware of the menstrual phase of your cycle, what’s one thing you’re going to do to harness this time of the month? Maybe it’s honoring rest and reflection, journaling your feelings or thoughts to see if there are ongoing patterns, or incorporating more fruits or veggies in your diet.

The female body is quite amazing when you really think about it, and now that you know about the four different phases of your feminine cycle: the follicular, luteal, ovulatory, and menstrual, you are empowered to take action in a way that supports you in being your most vibrant and highest self.

Sara Hubbard