Cycle Syncing and How You Can Benefit

Women Empowerment

I have to admit that I went 31 years without knowing how integral hormone health and the menstrual cycle was to my overall well-being. The only thing I really knew about my cycle was that small window frame that I was most fertile, and that I often felt irritable, fatigued, and bloated before my period, which at the time I believed was an inconvenience. 

So you may be in the same boat like I was and most women are in their teens, 20’s, 30’s, or even 40’s, dreading that infamous time of the month when you just want to curl up into a ball. Or you’re someone who has been on the pill for ages, but starting to get curious about why you’re taking it and what your other options are.

You may also be hearing the buzzword “cycle syncing” pop up in your Instagram feed as more women become comfortable talking about hormonal health. Which honestly, it’s about time we remove the stigma around the taboo topic of our periods, can I get an amen?! So what exactly is cycle syncing and how can it help you?

Just as the environment around us ebb and flows like the ever-changing seasons and moon cycles, each month so does your body. There is a reason why during the colder seasons like winter, you naturally feel the need to slow down and hibernate. In contrast, during the summer you feel more vibrant and energized.

Similarly, the female body goes through four distinct phases – the follicular phase, ovulation, luteal, and menstrual -- where hormone levels are constantly fluctuating. During each different phase as your hormone levels fluctuate, so do your needs, emotions, and energy levels. There’s a reason why you may notice that you feel different each day you wake up (think fatigued during your menstrual phase or higher sex drive and energy during your ovulation phase), and there’s logic behind it.

Cycle syncing is a term that means tracking your cycle to tune into hormonal fluctuations that take place over the month, and adapting lifestyle choices like diet, exercise, and how you live your life according to the different phases of your cycle. So why is this important to know?

Learning how to cycle sync is a way to partner with your body and align with your body’s natural rhythms to promote optimal function so that you can feel your best. It can help regulate your cycle, amplify fertility, boost your sex drive, and tap into the power of your divine feminine energy so that you become a power source. Naturally. How cool is that?

So where can you start? Thanks to technology, there are tons of free apps out there to help you track your cycle. My favorite is flotracker. Using this app you can track your mood, symptoms (think what’s actually happening down there), mood, energy, know when you’re most fertile, and when you get your period. I also recommend the book Woman Code, which goes into a lot more detail how to cycle sync and is a continuous resource.

And remember, if cycle syncing is a new concept to you a little goes a long way. You do not have to have an all or nothing approach to this. A great starting point is to simply start tracking your cycle and tuning into your body. That’s exactly how I began my own personal journey transitioning off hormonal birth control and recovering from amenorrhea (absence of period).

Also, if you’re experiencing irregular cycles, etc., reach out to your doctor. If you’re not working with a doctor who makes you feel supported, try to find one who does. For me that meant starting with a naturopath.

Stay tuned for my next post on how to harness the follicular phase of your cycle, the first phase of your cycle right after your period ends.