How to Harness the Follicular Phase of Your Cycle


Did you know that as a woman you experience four different phases of your menstrual cycle? Most of us are familiar with the menstrual phase and maybe the ovulation phase, but there are also two other important phases too. If you haven’t already, you can read my last post on what cycle syncing is and how you can benefit here.

While you may feel like your period is is a big inconvenience or just something that you deal with since period talk was often treated like taboo subject growing up, getting to know your body and understand how to align your diet and lifestyle to the different phases of your cycle can empower you to feel more at ease in your body, increase productivity, and help you feel more confident, vibrant, and powerful as a woman.

That said, today I’m sharing how to cycle sync and harness the follicular phase, the first phase of your cycle which takes place right after your period and lasts right up until ovulation.

Phase 1: Follicular phase

Season: This is the spring season and new moon phase of your cycle

Duration: About 7-10 days

Body Focus: In terms of your body, physical energy begins to increase throughout this phase which at times may cause you feel restless.

Lifestyle Focus: Just like the new moon, creativity and new beginnings are the forefront of this phase. This is time to direct your energy into new projects at work and home. It’s a great time to hash out a brainstorming session with your coworkers. A time to tackle your most mentally challenging projects for the week as your brain is at it’s peak for creativity at this time making it easier to problem solve. Emotionally you feel upbeat, outgoing, and revitalized and you feel the most energy to be social and active. You’re also more open to new experiences, so if there’s something new you’ve been meaning to try — like an online course, workout class or something that’s peaked your interest, now is the time.

Food Focus: Aim for fresh, vibrant, and lighter foods which help you feel more energized during this phase when you’re hormones are at their lowest. Think foods like salads, fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut, veggies, lean proteins like chicken, smoothies, and energy sustaining grains that are lightly cooked.

Exercise Focus: Nows the time to try something out that’s peaked your interest as you’re more receptive to stepping out of your comfort zone which are more likely to stick when you start them at this point in your cycle. You also have the energy to do more intense workouts.

A great way to keep track of which phase of your cycle your in is by using an app, my favorite free app is flotracker.

Now that you are more aware of the follicular phase of your cycle, what’s one thing you’re going to do to harness this time of the month? Maybe it’s adding more veggies into your diet, trying out a new workout, or scheduling a double date with another couple.

Stay tuned for part 2 on the ovulation phase.

Sara Hubbard