About Sara

HOLISTIC HEALTH + life COACH | ryt 500 Yoga Teacher

Sara Hubbard

Hi Beauty! I’m Sara, and I’m so grateful you’re here <3

I’m a recovering perfectionist and high achiever who spent the last decade hustling in the insurance industry working my way up to a management role. On top of work, I was trying to do it all — juggling a commute, grad school, teaching hot power yoga, raising two pups, marathon training, and figuring out how to balance home life.

I had everything I thought I wanted -- a solid career in a leadership role, future husband, house, new car, elaborate vacations, and all the stuff. But I was always striving for more, trying to live up to societal pressures and norms, living for the future, and feeling like nothing was ever enough.

I became so stressed out, burnt out, and tired of trying to fake it to make it, that my body broke out in severe hives for a month. My period went missing despite being on hormonal birth control. I felt anxious, moody, and bloated despite working out and trying to eat ‘clean'. I hit a really low and dark point in my life, feeling defeated and like I had lost control.

After spending months bottling up feelings of frustration, anxiety, stress, and overwhelm, I hit a tipping point and acknowledged that the life I was living was no longer in alignment with my deepest desires. My heart was yearning for change and in my gut, I knew that taking a leap was necessary for my health and sanity. So I decided to step aside from corporate life to slow down and do some soul searching.

At first, feelings of regret, fear, anxiety, a feeling of oh sh*t why did I do this started to takeover. Then as the weeks progressed those feelings turned into a sense of contentment, gratitude, and FREEDOM.

The saying goes when one door closes, another door opens, and that is exactly what began to unfold in my life.

I said yes to yoga opportunities that came my way and established myself as a teacher on Cape Cod. After transitioning off hormonal birth control, I partnered with a naturopath — someone who actually listened to me and my instinct that something “felt off,” to get to the root cause of my hormonal imbalances, and 9 months later got my period back through simple and obtainable lifestyle shifts.

I invested in myself by finishing up my Masters in Business Administration and became a certified holistic health + life coach where I learned that overall health and wellness goes beyond diet and exercise, and that it’s all about small, manageable, and sustainable lifestyle shifts.

Above all I said yes to choosing, believing, and investing in myself.

I’m here to remind you that you are massively loved, supported, whole, and worthy. The woman you desire to be already resides from within.

You deserve to live your life to the fullest potential. A life free from unrealistic expectations, constant stress, overwhelm, and trying to please others, so you can live a vibrant, confident, joyful life.

So ask yourself, if not now then when?

Education and Trainings

  • BS with finance major, Providence College, 2009

  • 200 hour yoga teacher training, Open Doors Power Yoga, 2014.

  • MBA with a concentration in entrepreneurship, Suffolk University, 2018.

  • 50 hour yin and yoga nidra teacher training, Yoga On The Vine, 2018.

  • Holistic health coach certification, Health Coach Institute, 2018.

  • The art of assisting yoga teacher training, Down Under School of Yoga, 2019

  • 300 hour yoga teacher training, Down Under School of Yoga, 2020.

  • Life coach certification, Health Coach Institute, 2020.