The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich

The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich.jpeg

The ultimate breakfast sandwich! Yolky fried egg, melted grass-fed cheddar, avocado, sprouts, and a drizzle of hot sauce on a fluffy homemade biscuit.

The messier the better, am I right?! Hubby has been mastering biscuits and sourdough from scratch, so let’s just say I’m his biggest fan! Not to mention carbs have really been my jam lately to help settle my stomach, so you can bet I’m a happy camper when there’s fresh baked goodies in the house.

You guy’s know I’m usually a big smoothie person for breakfast, but occasionally I like to change it up, and some days, especially these days pregnant, I’m craving a little something extra.

Breakfast sandwiches have always had a special place in my heart. Back in the day, as a broke college student, I used to live off those Dunkin Donut breakfast sandwiches on an english muffin — until I got a little scared that the egg wasn’t real, ha!

So I toasted and loaded her up, and ate it like an animal after this mornings run and teaching yoga — yolk all over my hands and face. And let’s just say this hit the spot!


  • 1 biscuit

  • 1/8 avocado, mashed

  • 1 tbs micro-greens

  • 1 teaspoon avocado oil

  • 1 organic egg (Vital Farm is my favorite brand)

  • 1-2 slices grass-fed cheddar

  • 1/2 teaspoon hot sauce

  • Salt & pepper to taste


  1. Lightly toast the biscuit.

  2. Heat a small to medium size pan on medium heat, add 1 tsp avocado oil or grass fed butter, and pan fry the egg until cooked according to your preferences (me, I like it extra yolky!). For the minute or two layer the cheese on the egg to gently melt.

  3. Add the mashed avocado to the biscuit then layer on the micro-greens, pan-fried egg, hot sauce (if using), and season with salt and pepper.