8 Simple Practices to Harness Your Divine Feminine Energy
Did you know that your divine feminine energy is an energy which reminds you that are whole, worthy, and that everything you desires is within you?
Divine feminine energy is the energy of flow, being, intuition and the moon. Both masculine and feminine energies exist within each of us in varying amounts. Just like yin and yang, you need both energies, as they complement one another. But oftentimes much of our modern culture focuses on the masculine energy of doing, pushing, producing, and going.
When masculine energy dominates, you miss out on your intuition, compassion, self-love, presence, and act of simple being. Your divine feminine energy reminds you that you are whole, worthy, and that everything you desires is within you.
Oftentimes when dealing with hormonal imbalance, masculine energy is more dominant and feminine energy is underutilized. And for me personally, as someone who is naturally more masculine dominant — focused on end results, relying on self, problem solving, and basically doing, tapping into that more creative feminine side has been a key player in finding hormonal balance and recovering from amenorrhea after transitioning off hormonal birth control..
Here are 8 Practices that have helped me and can help YOU tap into your divine feminine energy:
Creative yoga flow sequencing incorporating circular and free flowing movement
Being honest and sharing your feelings instead of always just saying “I’m fine,”
Observing + honoring your body hunger and blood sugar levels
Yoga poses like goddess pose
Intuitive movement aka choosing movement based on how you’re feeling in the moment and my menstrual cycle
Connecting with other women
Receiving things like compliments and pleasure
Inviting more pleasure and sensual experience in your life: music, mindful eating, self-massage.
Do you find yourself to be more masculine or feminine dominant? If you find masculine energy dominating, what’s ONE practice that you can start embodying today to tap into your divine feminine nature?