5 Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System


You've made it to the home stretch of the dry winter season if you're reading this from New England. The days are getting longer and warmer, and there’s been little spring teaser days with the birds chirping in the morning. There’s also been flux in weather extremes which can take a toll on your immune system, not to mention the fact that it’s also cold and flu season.
While sometimes getting sick or run down is at times inevitable (unless you live in a bubble), there are simple and natural self-care practices you can do to best support your immune system.
5 simple ways to boost your immune system naturally

  1. Mindful Eating. Mindful eating is essential for healthy digestion and strong immunity. While opting for nutrient dense foods is important, how you eat is just as essential. Mindful eating allows you to slow down, pay attention, chew, taste, and experience your food so your body can absorb the nutrients and properly digest.

    Try carving out the time to eat at least one meal a day in a relaxed setting. Take a few deep breaths before your first bite to calm your nervous system, place a strong emphasis on chewing and tasting your food, and put your utensils down between bites to chew and breathe. Also try not to eat within two hours of bedtime and give your body 12 hours to properly digest before your next meal.

  2. Drinking. Sipping hot water, lemon water, or herbal tea throughout the day helps to soothe, hydrate, decongest, and cleanse the body. Tip: did you know that when you have water right in front of you you’re more likely to drink it? That said, carry around a thermos of hot water or tea with you throughout the day, keep it at your desk, bring it with you in the car, do whatever it takes to keep sipping throughout the day!

  3. Meditating. Did you know that a daily meditation practice can reduce stress and calm the mind? Not to mention chronic stress can take a toll on the immune system. If you’re new to meditation, there are so many free apps like Insight Timer that provide guided meditations to get you on the right foot. Prefer a walking meditation instead? Go outside for a walk and really tune into each step and your surroundings.

  4. Sleeping. A good night of sleep is essential for a healthy immune system. To support a good night of sleep you can do things like set boundaries with screen time, eat your last meal 2 hours prior to bed, drink sleep tea, or practice calming yoga poses like supported legs up the wall to calm down your nervous system and reduce stimulation. Practicing gratitude right before bed by journaling 2-3 things you are grateful for throughout the day can also help help focus on the positive and calm the mind.

  5. Gargling. Gargling with warm salt water can help clean out bacteria and germs that linger in the nasal passages and throat for 24-48 hours before getting into the blood stream and weakening immunity. Using a neti-pot once a day is also a great way to clear out the sinuses and flush out dust and bacteria.