New Year’s Day:
Reflect, Release, Restore
Bonus bundle

As a thank you for participating in the New Year’s Day Special class, this bonus bundle contains practices and exercises that will provide you with additional guidance on gaining clarity on your intentions, how you want to show up in your life, feel in your body, and what it is you deeply desire for the year ahead.

1) 21 Intentional New Year’s Day Journal Prompts

Use these journal prompts as a guide to help you 1) reflect, 2) goal set, 3) gain clarity, 4) set intentions, and 5) manifest the 2021 you desire. Get cozy. Grab a mug of tea, a pen, and a journal, and take your time with this exercise.

21 Intentional New Year’s Day Journal Prompts <— click the link to download the PDF

2) Higher Self Visualization Exercise (10 minutes)

This visualization practice will guide you into stepping into and choosing to be the best version of yourself that you desire to be in 3-6 months from now. It will allow you to experience success now, without having to do x,y, z before you feel a certain way.

Post-visualization action steps:

  1. What are 3 words that would describe that higher version of YOU?

  2. What makes each of these 3 words important for your best future self to be experiencing and embodying?

  3. Set an alarm on your phone with these 3 words that goes off every day, reminding you of these 3 words. While it may seem simple, reminding yourself of these 3 words that this best future version of you embodies, allows you to be more intentional about how you show up in your life and every interaction you have.