4 Ways to Celebrate the Autumn Equinox
Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash
Happy Autumn Equinox! Today, September 23, 2019 represents Mother’s Nature’s equilibrium between daylight and nighttime, which are of equal length. After today, daylight hours will slowly begin to diminish each day until we reach the shortest day of the year: winter solstice. Just as the seasons in nature change, we too experience the ever changing seasons of life. With the winding down of the summertime frenzy, Fall is the time to slow down to draw inward, dive deep into yourself, and refocus on what’s important and meaningful.
Fall symbolizes the duality between night and dark, yin and yang, feminine and masculine, success and failure, creation and receptivity. Through practice and experience, if we can honor and accept this duality of life, we can live in a more relaxed state of mind, knowing that no matter the circumstance and what it is you’re going through in your life, this too shall pass.
As we embark on the Autumn Equinox which falls on September 23, 2019, here are 4 ways celebrate and embrace the change in seasons:
Celebrate abundance and gratitude. The fall harvest symbolizes abundance. With this in mind, take time to acknowledge the abundance that surrounds you. Reflect on the things that you are grateful for and the things that nourish your world, both big and small. Start a gratitude journal and take time to reflect on the things you are grateful for each day. By focusing your attention on the things you are grateful for, you welcome the universe to send more of these things into your life.
Spend time in nature. One of the best parts about living in New England is the change in seasons. Take time to enjoy the crisp fall days by getting outside for fresh air. Enjoy the beauty of the fall foliage. Go apple picking. Go for a walk or hike. Relish this time of year.
Reflect. Fall is the time to slow down, reflect, and go inward. Some questions to journal and reflect upon:
What have I achieved this year?
What positive seeds have I harvested?
What negative seeds have I harvesteD?
Why have I been successful in some areas and not others?
What can I do differently for the future?
Who has helped me achieve my goals this past year?
How can I thank these people?
What other areas in my life need more balance?
How can I transition to a lifestyle of balance?
What are my dreams, goals, and aspirations for the coming new year?Eat local produce. Local and seasonal produce is loaded in vitamins and nutrients that your body is better able to absorb because it is freshly picked. Stock up on local produce such as apples, squash, pumpkin, artichokes, cranberries, and brussel sprouts which are loaded in nutrients to nourish your body + mind + soul.