How to Embrace Fall As a Season of Letting Go

Fall leaves

There’s a lot we can learn from nature, and it can be so powerful when we align our lifestyle and diet around the ever changing seasons to thrive.

With that in mind, Autumn is naturally a season of endings — a very natural process that we tend to resist. It’s a time to take stock of your life and reflect on what is and isn’t serving your highest good. If you really tune into your body and soul, you’ll notice an inner calling for a necessity to release what is no longer serving you.

Why is this important? Transformation is a continual process of letting go.

We always have to let go of something in order to get to next stage of evolution. But oftentimes we find ourselves struggling or needing things to be hard. When we stop bargaining with struggle, change can flow freely and our lives can be more congruent with what we truly want.

So here’s a few things I’m letting go of:

  • Old titles + labels that I used to identify as ME.

  • Striving for perfection. Done is better than perfect.

  • Habits that have been draining my energy aka spending more time on my phone than I’d prefer.

  • Scarcity mindset, and instead focusing on abundance + gratitude.

  • A yoga class that I’ve been teaching for > 3 years to create space for ME.

So ask yourself, if you’re truly desiring transformation in an area of your life —health, career, relationships, finances, what are you willing to let go of?

5 big areas to reflect on + things to let go of:

Mental + Emotional Health. Emotional health: Emotions are energy in motion, and it is important to feel to heel. Some emotions to let go of may include feelings like anger, guilt, sadness, resentment, shame, regrets. Mental health: Negative thoughts, limiting self-beliefs, unawareness, perfectionism, scarcity mindset.

Career. A job that has sucked your soul, it taking a toll on your mental and emotional well-being to a point where you find yourself constantly dreading the idea of going to work.

Relationships. Let go of or limit your time with or let go of people who drain your energy and gossip.

Finances. Prioritize your spending according to what’s most important to you — whether it be supporting your health and well-being, travel, retirement, saving for a new home, paying off debt, and let go of spending habits that aren’t supporting your overall financial well-being.

Environment. Clutter in your environment: Donate or sell clothes you don’t wear or that don’t fit. Spend all leftover gift cards. Unsubscribe to emails you find yourself constantly deleting. Unfollow social media accounts that don’t make you feel good about yourself.

As Rumi says, let the dead leaves drop.

Sara Hubbard