Sara Hubbard | Health Coach + Yoga Teacher

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5 Simple Ways to Practice Mindfulness Every Day

Did you know that mindfulness is key to finding joy and happiness in every-day life? Oftentimes, we’re so caught up in our worries, fears, anger, regrets about the past which is over and the future which doesn’t yet exist, and we’re not fully living. On the other hand, when you practice mindful living which means purposefully paying attention, you bring your mind back to your body, allowing yourself to be fully present and alive. 

I’ve been thinking a lot about the lack of being fully present, especially in today’s digital age. I notice it when I catch myself picking up my phone to check things like email, Instagram, or the weather. It’s almost habitual, and I don’t even realize I’m doing it. Other examples of this are driving past an exit because your mind is elsewhere, or sitting at your desk for so long forgetting about your body until it starts to ache or goes numb, or mindlessly eating something when you’re not even hungry or to the point that you’re stuffed.

It can be really easy to go into that auto-pilot mode of living especially when doing the mundane tasks of everyday life, but life is too short. Mindfulness is a practice that brings you back to the present moment. Think about it as something to be enjoyed rather than another task, chore, or item on the to do list. For instance, you don’t have to think about enjoying the beauty of a sunset, it just happens.

Today I’m sharing 5 simple ways to practice mindful living that won’t take up any extra time in your busy schedule, but rather can easily be incorporated into your everyday life.

1.    Breathing.Breathing is something that happens automatically. While breathing isn’t something that you need to think about, when you become aware of your breath, you anchor your mind to the present moment. Take a few moments a day to practice conscious breathing, even if it’s just a few minutes upon waking. Close your eyes and feel your breath circulating in and out of the body. Notice the texture of your breath, its depth, sound, and sensations it brings to the physical body. Notice the calming effect it has on the mind. Take 5 rounds of breath, honoring the fact that you are alive.

If carving out extra time to breathe sounds too daunting, here’s a few other ways to practice conscious breathing throughout the day. Close your eyes and take 5 deep breaths before each of your meals. Not only will you be more aware of the food you are putting into your body, but you’re calming the nervous system to aid in digestion and nutrient absorption. Next time you find yourself at a red light or stop sign, take a few deep, conscious breaths.

2.    Showering. Showering is a part of everyday life, so why not try to make your shower time more pleasurable. It’s often a quiet and private time that you get to yourself either first thing in the morning or later in the evening. Water has a very healing element to it, and there’s nothing quite like taking your time in a nice warm shower.

Next time you shower, close your eyes and really awaken all of your sense. Focus on the warm sensation of the water as it falls onto your head and rolls down your body. Notice how the warmth of the water allows your muscles to relax. Feel the steam open up your pores and nasal passages. Listen to the sound of the water droplets as it sooths your mind. Think of each drop of water rolling into the brain like thoughts and feelings that no longer serve you being washed away. Feel a sense of gratitude for your body and acknowledge what a luxury it is to have clean running water.

3.     Walking. There’s nothing like spending some good old time in nature. Next time you go for a walk, ditch the phone or put it in airplane mode. Open your senses and become aware of the sights, sounds, aromas, and the earth beneath you as you soak in your environment and the wonders of life. Breathe in the fresh air. Let every step bring you joy, peace, and healing.

4.    Washing the dishes. For many of us, washing dishes can be a mundane but necessary task. It’s something that just has to be done. So why not accept the fact that the dishes have to be done and be fully present while doing the task. Feel the warm water against your skin. The softness of the soap suds and sweet aromas flowing through your nostrils. Feel a sense of gratitude for the meal you just ate and for the roof over your head.

5.    Brushing your teeth. Maybe you feel really joyful brushing your teeth, or maybe it’s just one of those mundane task that you do twice a day because you recognize how important dental hygiene is for your health. Instead of rushing through to just get it over with, how about really engaging your sense while brushing your teeth. Taste the toothpaste, and feel the cool sensation of water against your mouth. And of take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the fact that you have teeth to brush!

I hope these tips inspire you to practice mindfulness aka paying attention and living fully so that you can find joy and happiness in everyday life, even the mundane.