5 Simple Ways to Nourish Yourself During Challenging Times


There’s a lot happening in in the world right now that can’t be controlled which is maybe triggering feelings of worry, fear, stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. And while its essential to give yourself permission to feel all the feelings, its also important to not let those feelings takeover in a way that it negatively impacts your health and well-being.

During challenging times, it's even more important to continue practicing the things that connect you to yourself -- and to something greater. Whether it's yoga, meditation, movement, dance, music, cooking --  it's essential that you continue the practices that nourish your body, mind, and soul.

That said, here are five simple ways to continue to nourish yourself during these challenging times.

1. Breathe. It's valid and necessary to feel all of your feelings, but when you start to feel feelings of anxiety, fear, stress, or overwhelm takeover, take a moment to pause and breathe. Consciously focus on the in breathe and the out breath. As you breathe in silently recite, "peace," as you breath out, silently recite "calm." Insight Timer is one of my favorite free apps that has many guided meditations, breathing exercises, mindfulness practices, yoga nidra, and so forth to support you and your well-being. 

2. Practice Mindful Consumption. You are what you consume. There's a lot of noise happening out there especially in the news which is oftentimes fear based. While it's important to be aware of the current situation, there are times when it can better serve your well-being to unplug and practice conscious consumption. If you're feeling fearful, anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed, now might be the time to take a break from social media, the news, or triggers. Instead, focus your energy on filling your life with positivity and light whether it's positive podcasts, music, a book, watch a funny movie (laughter fights stress), bake, spend time with positive friends or family members while honoring social distancing, go for a nature walk. Do the things that feed your soul.

3. Eat nourishing and wholesome foods. Food is thy medicine. Opt for nutrient dense, and colorful foods aka think about eating the rainbow. Opt for whole foods and limit processed foods, sugar, and alcohol  Stay hydrated with water, herbal tea, broths, fruits, and veggies. And if you're suffering from seasonal allergies or a cold or the flu, limit your dairy intake which can cause additional mucus buildup and phlegm. The better you eat, the better you'll feel, which can positively impact all other areas in your life.

4. Move your body. Yoga, dance, nature walks, at home workouts. Moving your body in a way that feels good to YOU reduces stress and increases those feel good hormones which help keep your immune system strong and support a good night of sleep (also essential to support your health). Get creative with online classes, go outside for a walk, do whatever feels good in your body.

5. Remember that nothing is permanent. This too shall pass.