Sara Hubbard | Health Coach + Yoga Teacher

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3 Ways to Ground Your Energy

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I'm not sure about you, but with everything going on my body and mind have been craving lots of grounding. Grounding is a way to connect you energetically to the earth. It allows you to get out of your head where we spend a lot of our time — from stories and mental chatter expressing worries, stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and into your body and the present moment to receive nourishing energy.

When you are grounded you feel more centered, strong, balanced, less tense, less stressed, and less anxious — I’m pretty sure we could all use a little bit more grounding right now as we navigate these uncertain times. Some studies also show that grounding can:

  • Improve your mood and decrease stress and anxiety

  • Improve your quality of sleep

  • Decrease your risk for cardiovascular disease 

  • Reduce chronic pain

  • Reduce chronic fatigue

So today I'm sharing three ways to ground your energy

1. Yoga. Yoga poses like child's pose where you're closely connected to the earth can calm the brain and relieve stress. Resting your forehead on the ground or a prop with eyes closed can feel like you’re bringing your head from being in the clouds (that monkey mind, to-do list, worries, or fears) back down to the earth. In this pose, as you become aware of your breath, feel the sensation of the earth beneath you. This feeling of being held and supported will help you feel a sense of safety, which in turn will allow you to feel calm, centered, and grounded. Other grounding yoga postures can include standing yoga poses, standing balancing poses -- think those where you feel your feet anchored and rooted down into the earth.

2. Nutrition. Incorporating root vegetables into your diet can help ground your energy. Think warming comfort foods like stews, curries, and soups that contain foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips, onions, radish, turnips, garlic, and ginger. Another perk to root vegiebles is that they tend to have a decent shelf life. Other foods that can help you feel more grounded include high quality protein including organic chicken, grass fed beef, sustainable seafood, nuts and seeds, and foods that are naturally red in color (representing the root chakra) -- think tomatoes, strawberries, cherries, apples, and pomegranates.

3. Nature. One of the simplest ways to ground your energy is to get outside and connect with mother nature. Walk barefoot, lay on the ground, or pack a picnic and allow yourself to connect with the earth. Whether it's on sand, grass, or mud, allowing your skin to touch the earth can provide you with grounding energy